Coordinator – Someone who has successfully gone through training and teaches and participates in running a study group or center.
Esoteric Training Committee – A small group of experienced Representatives who form an Oversight Committee and collaborate on the issues which arise in terms of training in the Inner School.
Inayatiyya Center – The Inner School trains Coordinators and Representatives to develop “centers” in the towns where they live. These centers provide an opportunity for interested seekers, Murids and Ashiqs, to gather together, to explore and deepen in the study of our Inayatiyya Teachings and Practices. Please see the Inayatiyya’s Worldwide Map to find a center near you.
Inner School – The name of the Inayatiyya’s Inner School of training and spiritual development. (Previously known as the Esoteric School.)
Jamiat Am – A term used for Representatives and Coordinators in the Inner School.
Jamiat Khas – Senior Representatives in the Inayatiyya Inner School.
Murid – An initiated student in the Inayatiyya’s Inner School.
Regional Representative – An experienced representative who oversees the centers (is a point person) for a region.
Representative – Same responsibilities as a Coordinator but after serving as a Coordinator has successfully gone through the training to guide Murids.
Retreat Guide – Someone who has successfully gone through training and is authorized to lead individual and group retreats.
The Silsila – The word, Silsila, comes from an Arabic term meaning link or connection. It may be thought of as a “spiritual genealogy” tracing the lineage of spiritual teachers who bequeath their spiritual baraka, or blessing, to their named successor. Initiation into the Inayatiyya links the murid to the lineage and transmission of all the illuminated souls comprising the Silsila. It is seen as a transmission of light, wisdom, protection, guidance and unconditional love. The Inayatiyya Silsila may be found here. Additional information about our founder and subsequent spiritual leaders can be found on the page Our Lineage.
Workers for the Message – Someone who feels called to serve the Message for our time and has attended training in the Message teachings.