Spiritual guidance is offered to a Murid, one who feels a deep connection to the Inayatiyya and has been initiated into the Inner School. Every Murid is expected to find a guide. The relationship between the Guide and Murid is a special link of friendship.

In the Inner School, Representative is another term for a Guide. Representatives have received in-depth training and have been authorized to offer guidance. 

Most Inayatiyya Centers have Representatives and there is an advantage to meeting with your Guide in person, so the first place to look for a Guide is, if possible, in a nearby center by visiting or communicating with a local Representative.

With the internet, it is also possible to find a Guide one wishes to align with who does not live near you.

The Murid is free to seek among Guides the one who feels most suitable. The decision is made jointly by the Representative and the Murid.
